Yamasaki Blacksmith

Their workshop is the only one remaining in the north of Kyushu, where they still make blades by manual forging. There are Shinto ornaments and plants dedicated to the god of fire on corners of the workshop.

Mr. Yamasaki and his apparentice. They make blades for farming tools and kitchen knives. The raw material iron is delivered by a specialized maker, then he uses charcoal and log fire to heat the iron and stomps it repeatedly. After forging, the apparentice sharpens the blades with chemical polisher

The workshop was founded by his father in 1920s. At that time, there were few more blacksmiths in the area making tools for farming.

Blades and knives. They are sold in farmers’ markets and the customers bring them back for sharpening and maintenance.


Seki Wirework and Antiques


Kawakita Organic Tea